How to make your website design customized and professional

Your website, at first is nothing but a skeleton, a mere framework with a default theme, no or few plugins and all the default settings for time zone, comments, favicon, etc. For your online business to stand out you need to give customized and professional touches to your website design and following are the ways you can do so.


Footer Customization

Every web page has a footer which you might like to give a personalized touch by adding the disclosure or copyright policy, designer name, contact number or any other personalized data.


Divider Line Customization

When you add a post in your website, add a customized image which reflects your web and brand theme and relevant color scheme. This way your post looks appealing and interesting for read. The big chunks of text are easily divided via divider lines, giving the post a professional look and more readability.


Share Buttons

Your website functionality increases with the backpack of plugins. With the Sharing module, you are allowed to add the most common shared buttons below your posts.


Tagline Field

When you newly install wordpress, there are two fields on the settings page, fill them with relevant text so that they show in the Google search results.

general setting

User Profile

With every blog, there is a user profile so make it complete with the bio, picture and relevant platforms. The customized addition in every profile benefits the website. You can customize the toolbar, dashboard and avatar.

user profile

Custom 404 Page

404 page refers to a broken or expired link, where your visitors will find a ‘not found’ message. Make it customized so that the visitor knows that you have put your effort in every page. Custom the text, photos, search bar and some archives.


No matter you are single author for your website or your site is a multi-author site, customized signature is extremely helpful. It adds functionality in your website and even serves a quick reminder to the audience to subscribe to your website and follow you on social media.

signature logosdesignHTML Sitemap

Sitemap is helpful for your visitors to go through the outline of all the pages and categories. It is also a great tool for SEO. Basically, sitemap is just the xml file.


Customized Subscribe Box

Create a customized subscription box for your email sign up list. It looks professional and fits in any widget you may find relevant.

logos footer


faviit is a small image which appears on the browser tab and also in an RSS reader so have a large square and then scale it down, save it in a jpg format and then using a Favicon generator turn the file into an .ico.

There are so many more elements which you can make customized and professional in your website design. These include the permalink structure, social media platform, menu, images, fonts, pre-formatted headings, blockqoute, search bar and other links. All this customization adds on to the professionalism, uniqueness, creativity and interactivity of your website.

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